St. Anthony Maronite Catholic Church
Receive the grace and light of God through the sacraments. At St. Anthony Maronite Catholic Church, we want our parishioners to experience the Holy Presence. Experience the love of Christ through celebrating the sacraments with our congregation. Join us in devotion by taking part in the daily liturgy and Sunday Mass.
Holy Days of Obligation Vigil: 6:00 p.m.
Mass & Novena for St. Anthony: Tuesday, 12:00 p.m.
Saturday Vigil: 4:00 p.m.
Sunday Mass: 8:30 a.m. & 10:30 a.m.
Mercy Prayer (Click Here)
St. Anthony Catholic Church
Maronite Rite
375 Island Pond Rd
Springfield, MA 0118-1002
From the desk of Fr. Bassam Saade
(407) 276-1136
Subject: Shrines around the world link up for recitation of the Rosary - Vatican News
Coffee Hour is held on Sunday after both Masses. Stop in for some good food and great fellowship with our community.
The SAWG meets monthly at the church hall to plan activities to benefit the spirituality of the members and support the church.
Feel free to contact Donna Shibley, Secretary/Treasurer at 413.519.1845 or email at
Coming Soon!
KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS BABY SHOWER In the month of October, Home City Council 63 will be having a Baby Shower to support the Bethlehem House. A crib will be set up by the Chapel. Please donate. We are looking for any baby things including clothes, bath towel /wash cloths, formula, diapers, toys, monetary
donations, gift cards, etc. Please put your donations in the crib before or after mass.
PASTA DINNER: First Wednesday of the month from 5p-6:30p. A complete meal for just $12. Here is the schedule for our meals: Oct 2, Chicken Parm. Nov 6, Meatloaf and Mac-N-Cheese. Dec 4, American Chop Souy and Corn. We are also preselling tickets for Shrimp Scampi at our April Dinner (Lent). Shrimp tickets are $15.
Dear Parishioners,
I hope & pray you are all in the best of health in this Blessed Month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in this Season of Pentecost. We wish all our fathers Happy Fathers Day!
Our church needs your help! If you or someone you know can give their time with administrative and assistance to the church please contact me Fr. Bassam Saade (407) 276-1136. I look forward to hearing from you.
God bless you all
Fr. Bassam Saade
St. Anthony Maronite Catholic Church is part of the Maronite rite of the Catholic Church. While our congregation is largely ethnic Lebanese, we invite all believers to join us for Sunday Mass or one of our special events. Our Springfield, Massachusetts church offers daily mass, as well as two masses every Sunday.
We have been serving the community for more than 100 years. During the course of this time, we have built a strong congregation of believers, and we are always striving to continue that growth.
Back in 2014, an important relic of Saint Anthony of Padua journeyed to America and visited our church for nine days, from September 6 through 14. During these nine days, we conducted and organized events, including a youth day and special opportunities for all members of our parish, as well as all local parishes and the faithful, to venerate the relic.
Send us your email address below to be kept up to date on parish information!
Thank you for your interest. For questions or comments, please use the information listed here. We look forward to hearing from you soon.
375 Island Pond Road, Springfield, MA 01118 Serving Springfield, Massachusetts, and the Surrounding Areas
Thank you for contacting St. Anthony Maronite Catholic Church!
We will get back to you as soon as possible.
375 Island Pond Road, Springfield, MA 01118
Toll Free: (844) 855-0024 | Phone: (413) 732-0589
St. Anthony Maronite Catholic Church